Today I am going to the dentist.

The dentist helps keep my teeth clean and healthy.

I will check in at the front desk.

I will have a seat in the waiting room. There are books and toys there for me to play with.

When my name is called I will walk down a hallway to see the dentist.

I will walk by a few chairs. One of them will be mine to sit in.

My dentist will say hi to me and ask me about my day.

My dentist must wear a mask and gloves to get ready to look at my teeth.

The dentist will check my teeth with special instruments. They do not hurt.

I will sit in a big chair. It will move and lean back. I must sit still so the dentist can look at my teeth.

The dentist uses a special camera to take pictures of my teeth.

Sometimes a special camera to take a picture of how my teeth and jaw are growing must be used.

I did a great job at the dentist, and now it is time to leave but not before a visit to the toy tower!